Monday, June 27, 2011

Motivational Monday

This weekend I was disappointed, yet again, by people close to me.  Seems those closest to you have the ability to hurt you the most.  What I am always curious of, is why???  Not why CAN they hurt you the most; but, why DO they hurt you at all?

My Dad, Larry.  R.I.P (1945-2010)
Almost a year ago now I lost a great man in my life, my Step Dad.  Someone I grew to admire over the many years he was married to my mom.  Then when my mom passed away six plus years ago, this great man became an even more important part of my life than he had ever been before.  He was always my biggest cheerleader.  Even when many others did not understand my commitment to LLS and Team in Training, he ALWAYS stood behind me and supported me like no other.

Just one week before he passed away, my dad told me, like only he could... "I don't think even YOU know what it is you are doing, kiddo.  Whatever you do, just keep doing it.  You are doing the right thing and some day, others will understand that, too."  (Thankfully, I can still hear his voice saying this.)  I love this man so much and I miss him every day that passes.  

I have been planning to set up a motorcycle ride to both honor my dad and to help me do what he was so proud of me for continuing to do, supporting a great cause, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  Turns out, some thought I was making this event about me (and LLS) and not about my dad.  They just don't get they go hand in hand.  But then again, like he told me, "Some people just don't understand!"

So how does this story of such disappointment play into Motivational Monday?  Well, I found this: 

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.”  [Robert Kiyosaki]

If you know me you know my dream is HUGE... A cure for Blood Cancers, a cure for ALL cancers.  I obviously have strength in my desire as I keep going and going (kinda like the energizer bunny).  Now, how will I handle this disappointment?  Since this is not the first time, and I am most certain it will not be the last, I know disappointments generally fuel my desire.

Many people did not believe I would actually get my degree, let alone my Master's.  Many thought I would never complete a marathon, let alone a triathlon.  To date I have raised almost $20,000 for LLS, and I am not about to stop; in fact, I am just getting started!

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