Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Makes Someone a HERO??

A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.
- Anonymous

I found this quote today when I was looking for inspiration for my blog. I needed something to stir my creative mind for an update.  You see I have been feeling down, feeling a little uninspired.  Yesterday I had the most inspirational news in that my niece is walking again on her own... or, at least she is taking baby steps toward getting there.  Her words to me "I GOT THIS!!"  Her spirit, her tenaciousness, is what makes her my hero!!!

The Society choses Honored Heroes for each season.  Blood cancer patients who are battling this disease, have battled and survived this disease, and even some who have battled yet loss their fight.  I have met so many inspiring people through this organization.  Although I have had a personal hero from day one... my niece, Courtney; this year I have added two more: my Aunt Margie and my best friend's Uncle Jim.  

The above quote just hit home when I think about what makes these individuals heroes.  They would probably all disagree with me and say they are not, they would say they are only doing what needs to be done to survive.  Truth is, what they go through, this chemo, is not easy.  It is a tough road!  And, whether you are 15 or 50 it is a battle!  My hat is off to them for the fight they put up.  They are my inspiration to continue to swim, bike, run for a cure.

I have to comment on another hero that comes to mind, even beyond our patient heroes... It is inevitable that each TNT season I see someone new with the organization who has never done an endurance event and is trying something new.  It is one thing to train for and complete an endurance event.  It is something entirely different to do this for the cause, not just for yourself.  I meet these heroes everyday.  They are my teammates.  They inspire me to keep going almost as much as my niece does.  (For those who wonder "Why TNT?", THEY - my Teammates - are the reason why!)

So I ask you, who has inspired you?  Who is YOUR hero and Why???  Please leave your comments below...


  1. This is why you're admired by so many Andi. Keep up the good work. Love you. Jim

  2. Thank You Uncle Jim.... Love you too! You inspire me daily!!!!
