Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So, it all begins again....

Well, you already know I am planning on participating in the 2011 American's Most Beautiful Bike Ride on behalf of The Leukemia  Lymphoma Society this June.  The Team is hosting our first un-organized (yet organized) ride on Saturday, January 22.  This will be our first ride with some of our new teammates.  I am certainly excited to get this season underway.

Some of you may want to know what it takes to train for a 103-mile bike ride...  Honestly... So do I!!  This will be my first Century Ride.  These rides are NOT races.  We are simply setting our sights on completing the ride and taking in a few beautiful scenes while we are at it.  Although I would like to train with our "Elite" team setting my average speed at 18-mpg; I am not sure I want to ride the entire 103 at that pace.  Not because I CAN'T...  But, because I want to enjoy this ride.  I have never been to Tahoe... I want to take in the scenery and enjoy it.

So back to what it takes to train for this distance (let alone the altitude). First, training for the distance.  They say once a week we should be riding our "long" rides.  These rides will be on Saturdays and will be increasing in distance 5-10% each week.  We should be able to comfortably ride up to 80 miles prior to the event.  Seeing as I have several weeks to prep, this should not be an issue.

What about during the week training?  During the winter months this is more difficult as the darkness adds to the unsafe cycling environment down here in South Florida.  This means going in to work early so I can leave early enough to get at least 3 1-hour minimum rides per week.  I should be able to get 18 miles in during those one-hour training sessions.  (SHOULD be able)

What about all the hills in Tahoe that we don't have in South Florida...  That one is easy, yet NOT FUN (well, depending on your idea of fun).  Bridge Repeats is one training method.  Pick a bridge (Lake Worth is the easiest for me to access) and ride up and over time and again until you have gotten a few miles of hill work.  Other than the bridge repeats, the other option is travel training.  There are only a few areas in Florida where hill training can be achieved.  Clermont is one area.(Northwest of Orlando).  I am certain we will be heading up that way at least once during our training.

One very important thing I need to work on is my nutrition. What is going to work for me, or work against me.  When riding 103 miles, you can expect to stop at least 4 times to refuel. Refueling is all good unless you are refueling with the wrong stuff.  I will be trying a few different things to ensure I have the right mix for these lengthy training days (not to mention the event!).

I find it funny that some riders actually GAIN weight as they train.  That is not in the scope of my training... That CANNOT happen.  I guess this happens since they are stopping every 20 miles or so and eating.  Again, refueling is not a license to eat whatever, it is just a time to make sure you have enough fuel to get you to the next stop.  I just need to make sure it is healthy, yet provides the fuel I need.  I will be looking for some good ideas of food items that will hold well, travel easily, and not cause any stomach issues, if you know what I mean.

So besides this century ride, what else am I planning over the next few months?  I am still planning a few runs.  In just about 10 days I will be running the Miami ING Half Marathon.  I have been having a few shin issues, but I am working on that.  After Miami, I am training to run Fort Lauderdale A1A Half Marathon February 20, 2011.  Then in April, I am planning on a sprint triathlon.

As you can see, I am focusing my training for the bike ride, however... I must continue to cross train to keep my fitness level up.

Keep checking back. I will be updating at least weekly during my training for Tahoe. 


  1. Andi, I know you know about the energy gels and similar (GU, GU Chomps, Clif Shot Bloks in Margarita flavor) but for real food, I wonder if some good granola bars would work well? I really like 18 rabbits brand - they are small, organic and amazing. Or make your own!

  2. I love my LUNA BARS... they just dont travel when running very well. I will have to see about taping them to my bike...

    Other wise granola sounds GREAT!
