Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Keeping Focused

I read this article today and thought, Why not share...  (You see, my mom did raise me right... ) http://www.active.com/women/Articles/Stay_driven.htm

In the article the author talks about how women who exercise just for body-image reasons often lose focus.  However, when a goal is set the determination and drive continues to the finish line.  The author speaks of a women who struggled to continue exercising just to lose weight, but found out her driving motivation “has more to do with challenging herself and seeing what she's capable of than losing weight.”

The article tells us we should exercise to FEEL good, not necessarily to LOOK good.  Funny thing is, once you FEEL good, you start to have more confidence in how you LOOK as well.  Just get out there and do what you can, do what makes you feel good.  I have always said I do all these endurance events because I can when so many others can’t.  *thinking* Maybe I should start a movement… Like NIKE’s JUST DO IT…  It will be “BECAUSE I CAN”. 

They say exercise helps with mental health as well.  I certainly believe this.  One of my all time favorite movies quotes: "Exercise produces endorphins, endorphins make people happy.  Happy people just don't shoot their husbands." *giggles* (Can you guess the movie?? Hey... don't cheat with google... I mean really!!!)

Nothing cures a bad day like a good, long run.  Something I wish i could do right now, only I am still recovering from my last half marathon a few days ago...  Maybe Thursday, Turkey Day, I will get back out there... BECAUSE I CAN...

As for having a goal, I guess you could say I have wrapped my goals up in finding a cure.  What better motivation could there be?  Sure, the finisher’s medals are pretty, and they look great hanging on my dresser mirror.  But I have never been one who is motivated by shinny things (no, seriously, I am not).  A better way of life for cancer patients, a better chance of survival, a cure… those things are motivation enough for me.  That and BECAUSE I CAN…

Until next time… go out there and run, walk, bike, swim... Because YOU can!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am totally putting that on a shirt...the back so it will be read when I pass people. :o)
